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Printing Song Sheets from Cue List

April 3, 2023
Presenter ROCKS! We'd like to be able to print usable song sheets for our choir directly from the cue list. That means when printing the cue list,

1. Don't print slide labels for the song lyrics
2. Group lyrics for each sub-section in the song (identified by slide labels)

Currently, in the generated PDF the lyrics on each slide shows up in separate paragraphs, titled by the slide labels - which is a distraction.

Assuming this change isn't asking for much.
Posted by Revival
April 5, 2023
Please print through Planning or Music Stand as those sheets are designed for musicians. You will need to go into Planning and make sure you copy the lyrics from the "Lyrics" tab (representing Presenter) to the "Chords" tab (representing Music Stand):

Then, open your service on the "Services" page, add your song to the setlist if you haven't already added it in Presenter, go to the Rehearse tab, and you will see a print icon right above the sheet music. If you have any more questions, please email us at [email protected]
Posted by WorshipTools
April 5, 2023
Thanks for responding! Tried printing from Planning and it's no different from printing directly from Presenter. Will send an email with more details to follow up.
Posted by Revival
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