March 27, 2022
Where can I download NKJV and ESV xml Bible files? Most links I find don't work.
March 28, 2022
Hi Kristy,
Worship Extreme provides the KJV (free) and ESV (paid) translations through our official app:
We have been consistently working on acquiring copyrights to provide NKJV, but are unable to provide this translation yet. If you are able to find a free XML online, you are welcome to use it. Keep in mind that some translations may not exist as an available XML, especially if they are under copyright protection. I know this is the case with the Passion translation, and it could also be the case for NKJV.
April 11, 2023
Hello, Kristy.
You are also able to go to github for copies of the Bible. Here is the web address for the .xml for the ESV: https://github.com/rwev/bible/blob/master/bible/translations/ESV.xml
You will need Notepad or Notepadd ++, which can be downloaded from a number of safe places on the internet, to save the file in an acceptable format for Presenter to import.
In Christ,
April 12, 2023
NKJV and ESV are both offered through WorshipTools now for $4/year per translation