September 7, 2020
Hot keys are great in the app, but I would like to see global keyboard short cuts.
Problem - lag between changing to a different cue type ie from song to video and the live stream operators being a step behind.
Use case: When live streaming I want to be able to launch a cue (typically a video) and at the same time change the setting on the live stream (ATEM Mini Pro) and change the Source on the ATEM to the computer.
This would be actioned from a stream deck running companion from bit focus. If we had global short cuts then all of this could be actioned with one button press. (NB it can be done if I run the video from OBS, but then I still have to get the video back into the in-house projection.
(NB I have posted before on having solved this, but it only works worship extreme window is active - i am looking for something global, or a similar solution that would give companion access to worship extreme cues.)
Thanks in advance
September 7, 2020
Hi Mark,
This is basically what I was asking for in my post. Hopefully they will integrate it. I haven't really had to use WE in the past 6 months since we aren't showing lyrics on the screen. Hopefully we can get back to normal and I will start using it again.
July 9, 2021
Check out Vicreo listener. Using listener in your worship extreme machine, and a vicreo module on a streamdeck using companion, you can send key commands over a network. I use this method to fire a video (next cue) in WE and mute the audio in and transition to video in vmix. I also have prev and next slide buttons for the times I don’t have someone driving worship extreme.
July 9, 2021
We have already implemented the VICREO listener solution and it works well. But only under certain conditions.
1. The WE window has to be active
2. You can only send "Space" "Arrow" etc, so you are limited to just advancing the slide.
I am looking for something similar to global keyboard shortcuts that are attached to the specific cue, or even midi / OSC control.
Then you could press a single button on the stream deck and activate any cue in the show.
June 11, 2022
I just ran into this problem today with Vicreo needing OBS to be the active window before the hotkeys worked. I ended up using a Autohotkey script to make OBS the activewindow and then send the hotkeys over. It works but I am not happy with triggering Autohotkey to send the hotkeys.
July 5, 2022
Excellent idea, running both the in-church presentation and the stream feed, without using OBS means I sometimes miss cues. This would automate the process.