March 26, 2019
Often when we download a song from song select, some verses and choruses can have 7 or 8 lines, which at times can be a bit much on the projector screen for some people.
At the moment we have to manually split verses with alt enter. The problem is when it's time to do the song order, you have to drag both parts of the chorus or verse to the right place in the right order, and it can be a little confusing. Particularly as in a rush it may not be labeled clearly.
It would be great if we could insert a virtual slide break, so that a slide with a long verse could be split over 2 slides.
A possible way to implement this, is maybe to use half sized slides (on the management screen)
With the second slide being positioned just below below the 1st, and a dividing line that stands out say bright green, so that we know it is a verse split into 2 slides. when we click next cue or the left key, it would do the top half then the 2nd half, then proceed to the next slide on the cue list.
If the slides stayed together and was treated like a virtual split, then it would be MUCH easier to move and manage just the one "slide".
Please implement this feature..
March 26, 2019
Thanks for the post. One option that may help is to put your cursor at the break point and press Alt + Enter. That will split the slide into two.
April 9, 2019
What would be great is if in the settings we can have an option to say no more than 2, 3 or 4 lines of text on screen for a song and that gets applied to every song so we don't have to edit 1000's of songs in the DB.
We run alot of conferences that use different styles of projection and LED wall formats and its getting to much to edit every song in the cue list, especially if a worship leaders goes off set as the song they may then use is not formatted correctly to use
September 30, 2019
Love this idea. By also linking the partial slides together on moves and copies.