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App persistent login

July 22, 2019
Would be great to have the apps behave like the Desktop version and have a persistent login option, and not have to sign in every time the app is opened.
Posted by John
July 22, 2019
They do for iOS (Touch or Face ID), we can look into doing something similar for Android as well.
Posted by Adam
July 22, 2019
Thanks Adam! My experience is all Android. I will check in with the apple folks and the other Android users to see what their experience is.
Posted by John
July 25, 2019
This has been added in version 1.5. Thanks for the suggestion!
Posted by Adam
July 26, 2019
Thanks Adam! That was fast! Testing looks promising. This was only done for the Android Remote app and not the android Stage Display app correct?
Posted by John
July 26, 2019
Correct, it will be in the Stage Display as well in the next release. That will be in a few weeks.
Posted by Adam
July 26, 2019
Spectacular! Thanks for the quick turn and updates Adam!
Posted by John
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