July 18, 2021
From researching details regarding how Presenter stores data, I have learned that Data is actually stored on the Hard Drive and synced to the Cloud on closure of the Program.
On Opening the Program, I am assuming that data from the Cloud is synced to the Hard Drive, and adjusted accordingly.
If no Internet is detected, Program uses data from the Hard Drive.
If the Internet dropped out at some point, and went offline, and amended some of the Songs, cue lists etc., on connecting to the Internet, either there or on next log on, which data would be used? Cloud or Hard Drive.
July 19, 2021
Hi Fred,
Presenter syncs any time the Internet is connected. Files are upload to the cloud when they're added to Presenter, not when the program is closed. So, changes are always visible immediately, as long as you're connected to the Internet. For example, if you have two computers logged into Presenter and you make changes on one, those changes will sync on the second computer immediately. Now, if you make updates on one computer while you're offline, it will not show up on the second device until you're back online to allow the sync to happen.
If your Internet suddenly dropped, you would still be able to run Presenter with all the current files because Presenter works offline even if you don't have that file on your local hard drive.