March 21, 2019
I would love to be able to add an existing cue list to the current cue list. I could create reusable blocks of cues and put them together like snippets of code in a program. for example, I might have a particular scripture that goes well with a song that we do frequently, and maybe I use the same backgrounds every time for those cues. It would be efficient to have a cue list that included the scripture and the song with the correct backgrounds that I could add to my current cue list, rather than recreating those cues each time I need them. Another scenario might be that we have two services on Sunday. Several times a year we will have a single service on Sunday that combines elements (traditional music and contemporary music) of both services. It would be nice to be able to take two existing cue lists, one from each service type, and combine them. then I could easily rearrange and edit cues rather than recreating cues.
December 23, 2021
You can now import cue items from another cue list, via the Planning app. Changes will effectively sync with Presenter and Music Stand.
Read more here: