March 29, 2021
It appears that the Quick Scripture does not follow the same templates as set up in Worship Extreme. I have one template set up for "Full Screen Lyrics". When I add a scripture cue the cue appears correctly on the main audience output per the "Full Screen Lyrics" template settings. When I add the same exact Bible verse using quick scripture by selecting scripture at the top of the screen the font size is much smaller even though I also have "Full Screen Lyrics" selected as the template to use for quick scripture. The font is so small that it is not very useable.
Please fix.
Posted by Warren Seventh-day Adventist
April 2, 2021
I was able to find a workaround until this is officially fixed in an update. I ended up creating a separate template that I called "quick scripture" with a larger font size. When it is displayed it shows exactly the same on the main audience display as my "full screen lyrics" template. My example is this, for my "full screen lyrics" template I use Tahoma size 66. To get the "quick scripture" template to display exactly the same on the main audience display when using the quick scripture feature in worship extreme presenter I have to use Tahoma size 100.
Posted by Warren Seventh-day Adventist