February 12, 2020
I would like to put only one bible verse on the slide, but I can't edit the sentence so the last word is on the next line. Splitting is possible by creating a slide (although without using the scripture page) and fill in the text. But it would be good if you can edit bible verses on the scripture page.
June 5, 2020
We would like to see this too. Our use case is editing the scripture to add headings for congregational reading. (e.g. verse 1 is minister, verse 2 is congregation, verse 3 is all together)
December 4, 2021
We would love to have the ability to edit Scripture slides.
There are times when I would like to deal with half the verse for a few minutes and then come back to the rest of the verse. (I can make a slide manually, but I would love to do this with the Scripture feature.) I would be nice to split the verse at any point in the sentence so the remainder appears on the next slide.
We've also wanted to bold or highlight a specific word in the verse to make a special note of it, like when it's repeated multiple times.
Worship Extreme is amazing, but not having the ability to make adjustments to the Scripture slides is both annoying and frustrating.
January 6, 2022
I agree. This is the one thing that's frustrating. I want to be able to put the reference right under the scripture; right now it skips a line and when you are
streaming your church service and put the scriptures up it take up too much space. It would also be great to be able to change the size of the reference so it's smaller than the scripture font.
January 25, 2022
Even if there was a way to create the slides in Scripture and output to a standard slide for editing. This is a needed feature. Customizable line breaks at the very least (beyond verse, 10 words, etc.)
January 25, 2022
I agree with Jonathan. Even if we can't edit the slide, customizable line breaks would be extremely helpful. It would also be helpful if we didn't have to use every slide after the break so we could only deal with showing half a verse if necessary.
January 12, 2023
We have been asked to display Revelation 21: 1-5a a way of starting/finishing with a part verse would be very useful. This is a regular requirement.
January 18, 2023
This has been made possible through this feature: