May 17, 2022
It would be great if Presenter would be able to publish the current slide text as a structured JSON or XML either on a API endpoint or as a file on disk. This would allow e.g. the streaming software to pick it up and format the text as an overlay without the need to handle this through heavy screen capture or NDI feed.
July 24, 2022
This will very helpful, to have a endpoint that only send the text, because currently, using the window output/NDI, chroma key, etc. it works ok whes sendig slides with lirycs on lower thirds as subtitles that you can put on top of another video in OBS for example. But when you send another type of slide (Images or PPT for example) you receive an image that you don't want or intend to put on of a video. So when you switch from a lyrics slide to another type of slide, you have to be careful and turn of the subtitle layer before in OBS. Is very stressful to have take this in to account in every service.
July 25, 2022
Currently OpenSong has a feature to publish an XML file with lyrics for every slide change (it stores it on disk). We then use VMix datasources to load the file in a few hundred milliseconds intervals and use native VMix formatting features to overlay the text into the video stream.
Also it would be great to potentially publish in such file/endpoint not just the text but also e.g. information whether this text is translation or the original language to be able to format it properly, but that is a nice to have for a distant future :)