May 28, 2024
Sometimes in our church the worship leader will spontaneously switch to a song that was not pre-planned nor in the service list. We need to quickly be able to find that song and launch it. The process for doing so is currently not very fast or intuitive.
Yes, you can click the songs tab and search for a phrase (that part is great!) but then there's two issues:
1. It's not clear that you need to DRAG the song into the queue to be able to launch it
2. Pressing ENTER goes into *editing* the song lyrics, which in these situations is not what you want. You end up searching around that screen for a way to project the words to the church, but you can't do so. You have to exit back out and click on the Songs tab again and somehow discover that you need to drag it.
I propose a few changes that would improve the usability:
1. Next to each song that appears in the Songs list, have small buttons for "LAUNCH", "ADD TO SERVICE" and "EDIT".
See screenshot at: https://imagizer.imageshack.com/img924/7812/GF3YhL.jpg
Launch would be similar to "ADD TO SERVICE" (which places it immediately after the currently active item) and then also trigger the first slide.
2. Pressing ENTER could perhaps default to either "LAUNCH" or "ADD TO SERVICE" - perhaps this could be toggleable in the settings.
With these changes our team could be more responsive to spontaneous changes by the worship team.
Thanks for considering.