June 2, 2022
I would like to have different fonts and sizes in one song template, for example to have a translation on the same slide.
Actually i would like to have the same options for these templates as for no template in the 'selection formatting' area.
June 2, 2022
It would also be interesting to be able to add a media box to the song template, allowing to a logo to be placed in all song slides
September 18, 2023
Yes, it would be very helpful if we could use different fonts and font sizes in the same song. I also agree that it would be very helpful if we
could choose TEMPLATE, but then have the options available to change it somewhere if we want (having the font options, etc, available)
THANK YOU! Presenter is such a great program to use! Love it!
Posted by Swanton Christian
September 19, 2023
In theory, you can do this now, but everything reverts the system default text formatting. You then have to go through reformatting everything, which makes it more effort than is normally worth it. To make this work sensibly, we need two further features
1) When you change the slide template to 'none', you have the option to keep the current formatting, rather than reverting
2) You should be able to define you own default text format settings (for all slide types - lyrics, slides and Bible Readings)
September 19, 2023
Thank you for your help, Paul! :)
Posted by Swanton Christian