July 11, 2022
1 of my laptops will not allow me to use Presenter when it doesn't have an Internet connection. As soon as it connects to the Internet it will work fine. Any suggestions?
July 12, 2022
Hi Bryan. In order for offline mode to work, your Presenter needs to stay signed in to your account (it can stay signed in even when the program is completely closed). So, when you open it offline, you should already be signed in to your account, and this is what allows it to access account data in offline mode.
July 13, 2022
I don't understand that reply sorry. So, on the laptops and desktops offline works correctly on, the screen says "USE PRESENTER OFFLINE". Its a hyperlink and works fine. On the 1 laptop that it does not work on on it says, "PLEASE CONNECT THE INTERNET AND RELAUNCH PRESENTER".
July 13, 2022
There's a difference between closing out of the app and logging out of the app. You can stay logged into your WorshipTools account and close the app without affecting your log-in status. (You can also log out and keep the program open but it will just direct you to log in.)
When the app is not already logged in when it goes into Offline Mode, the "Please connect to the Internet..." message will show. This could be because someone is manually clicking "Log Out" before closing the program, or perhaps the laptop is being shut down between uses.
You can't use Presenter without being signed in because all your data is on your account. In this case, if it is not possible to prevent Presenter from signing out for whatever reason, I would suggest turning on a mobile hotspot just long enough for Presenter to sign in and load the Cue List. You can then turn off the hotspot and continue offline.
July 13, 2022
Ok thank you for the clarification.
July 13, 2022
I have the same problem, but I am not logging out. I stay logged in when closing the software (pro account v2022.2.8 windows). When I open the software if the laptop is in airplane mode then it insists I need internet access. There is no option for offline use.
This is important because our church gatherings are in a rented location with no wifi.
July 14, 2022
We found the contributing issue and just put out a fix for it. Please download the latest version of Presenter, version 2022.2.11.
July 14, 2022
Glad you figured it out guys I was beginning to think I couldn't explain properly
July 14, 2022
Thank you! Will download the update asap.