November 13, 2021
While it is very easy to add or delete items in the media library, there are times when you want to update what is in there.
We include a countdown video to start each service, which ends with a display of the theme for the service. It therefore changes slightly each week. Currently, I have to add a new copy of the video, with an adjusted name so I can track which is which, to the library. Then I can add it to the cue item. I then can delete the earlier one(s), as they will never be used again, to keep the size of the library under control.
It would be so much better to be able to replace / update the video item in the library. I could then set up a template service which includes the countdown video, confident that the current one will be played at the start of the service.
Many people will also have this situation with PowerPoint files, when they are presented with a new version that has had a couple of slides added or deleted.
November 29, 2021
Good idea @IT
Especially for regular items that occasionally change.
The cloud sync seems to be really well though through and should be able to handle.