July 9, 2023
We have a set of 7 media "slides" in a Slides presentation for use as our notices. At the beginning of the service we want to loop this and so we set Auto Advance15 seconds duration and "go back to first slide". If we navigate away from this the Slide looses that setting - Is there a way to make the Auto advance setting permanent?
July 11, 2023
By "navigate away," are you opening a different app on top of Presenter or are you clicking on a different cue? Clicking on a different cue will send that cue to the screen. You can turn that off by turning off Auto Fire:
July 12, 2023
Thanks for swift response. By navigate away I meant to another slide or song. I have found and turned the auto fire off, but if, whilst I have the looped set of slides playing, I select another cue (ie a song in my service list) then the timer seems to stop processing and the slide that was on the screen stays up, and doesn't move on to the next one in the sequence. Any thoughts?
July 12, 2023
Thanks for bringing this to our attention and clarifying those details. We were able to replicate it in testing with Auto Fire turned off, and it only seems to happen when you click on a service item that does not have a Foreground applied. We will try to get that sorted quickly.