February 2, 2023
This maybe possible already but if not can you review.
If so please advise how I change it so the Cue Lists come up latest first. I would have thought this would normally be the preferable order.
February 3, 2023
The Presenter home page has a "Recent" section for recently edited cue lists. The order of cue lists will be the most recently edited ones at the top.
To view the cue list in order of service date, please use the Cue List dropdown library at the top.
February 4, 2023
Sorry perhaps I didn't make it clear. It is not the Recent one I'm talking about. The Cue List dropdown is currently showing from the very oldest cue list to the newest. Thus if I have 100 old cue lists It shows the 100th back in time first. It makes more sense to show the closest in time first. (so your query will be order by 'service date' descending) Hope this clarifies what I am seeking.
February 4, 2023
I'm sorry!!! Ignore this - I've just seen the Sort Icon on the left!!!! I'm being thick - my apologies.