November 26, 2023
After using WT Community to send emails to members, one member accidentally clicked the Worship Tools 'unsubscribe' button and it instantly removed them from all future emails. They were literally QAing the email before sending to the entire database. This click has removed them from all future emails. How do do I add them back to get emails? Right now, the block is sitting at Worship Tools level so as a user I have no access to manage this by the look of it. ie, once clicked - gone forever.
January 7, 2024
I second that it would be usefull for them to be able to request being readded and also that the Account Admin had access or was even notified that a User has requested to be unsubscribed.
January 8, 2024
Please have them email
[email protected] from the unsubscribed email address requesting to be removed from the unsubscribed list.
January 28, 2024
I came across this issue too while testing.
It would be great if the unsubscribe button takes the user to a page where they can confirm that this is what they want to do, rather than instantly unsubscribing them.
And perhaps send them another email with a resubscribe link?
May 5, 2024
Since there is currently no way to remove the two lines at the bottom of every email, include an option to remove the default unsubscribe link and replace it with a link to the sender's email so they can be taken off the distribution list with the ability to re-include if there is a change of mind.
September 10, 2024
I think there should be a notification on the admin page--or when you go to send a communication to someone who has unsubscribed--that they have unsubscribed, so we're not sending messages to people who won't receive them. That way, if it's a more important message, we know to communicate with them a different way.
Posted by First Church of Christ