October 8, 2022
Would it be possible to have a "Quick Bump" or "Move to Next Slide" button or hotkey when editing songs.
A lot of times I have to go in and manually edit imported songs to fit lower thirds, and our screen etc. It's a bit tedious having to duplicate a slide just to move a line or two onto the next one. Having a button or hotkey would make it easier.
Thank you!
October 13, 2022
Place your cursor at the start of the line you want to move and click Option+Return on Mac (or Alt+Enter on Windows, I believe)
October 14, 2022
While you can do this manually, there is an automated way which works most of the time. Check this page in the user guide -
Once you have used the Format tool, you must check that the breaks are all in sensible places. For example, if the verse is 4 lines, should a 6 line chorus split 4/2 or 3/3 lines? The Format tool will give you a 4/2 split, which may not fit the sense of the words or music. In this instance, you have to revert to the manual methods to make the adjustment.
But using the format tool provided will cut a lot of the work out.
And if you import any songs from SongSelect, it can automatically set the number of lines to your normal chosen number.