May 23, 2022
Hi! I have a bible at openLP I wanted to transfer to Presenter. I used RazerSQL to convert it, but I got the response "Invalid xml. Missing Books element." while importing it to Presenter. Is there any tip to what I can do to complete this?
April 20, 2023
Have you ever managed to find a fix for this. I am having the same issue trying too import an Afrikaans bible.
April 20, 2023
No, I was also in contact with worship tools support that looked at the file and said it did not work. So you have to go other ways. But have you check this list? https://sourceforge.net/projects/zefania-sharp/files/Bibles/ They can be imported.
April 20, 2023
the only Afrikaans bible on zefania is a translation from 1933. It has not been used in 50 years.
I also sent support an email with the sqlite file to ask for help... hoping for some good news.