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ChordPro is non-functional

August 24, 2022
Hi guys - if I take a song in music stand and say 'edit song', then say 'edit chordpro', then do nothing at all to the chordpro chart that it generates and simply save it... I get 'an error occurred while downloading song content' if I try to access the chords, and then if I try to access the lyrics I get 'undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.replace').

Needless to say that if I DO make changes to the chordpro charts in either planning or directly in music stand, I get identical errors.

Is everyone having this problem or just me...?

Best regards, John G :-)
Posted by John
August 24, 2022
Hi John, this was resolved with the latest Music Stand update. Please update through the app store and try again.
Posted by WorshipTools
August 24, 2022
Beautiful! Working well now, thanks.
Posted by John
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