June 10, 2022
The recent change to Planning email notifications has made it harder for our church to use Planning. We have a very small team, and really only use Planning for one team in our church. I send invites to volunteers but I don't ever serve at the same time as them as only one person is needed in this role. With the new change, I would have to put myself on the service when I schedule them or I won't get an email about their availability.
I understand that other churches' admins were receiving email notifications for teams that they didn't have anything to do with, but I think that both situations can easily be accommodated for; simply make it an option in the settings. You should be able to receive notifications only for services you're a part of, or receive them for every service if you want. Where possible, I think more customization is a good thing.
Thank you for considering making a change for this! Love your products!