November 11, 2022
Hi there, I love this software, I am wondering if the copy right information for songs, Bibles etc is on all the screens and that on the blank initial screen you are unable to omit the copyright information (Usually my team will use the blank slide for the song in-between songs, if the copy right could be removed just for blank screens that would be a good option to have.
November 11, 2022
Two options:
1. Put a blank cue in front of the song cue (optional: turn off the blank slide in front of the song in Settings to avoid having two black slides in a row)
2. In Footer Settings, have the copyrights only show on "Last Slide"
November 17, 2022
To do it this way, you have to have more slides and I would like to keep the minimum number of slides the operator needs to click. :(