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Please Add Search Parameters and Look into Song Search Inconsistencies

June 2, 2023
Thank you for adding the ability to search the lyrics of songs. However, there are some inconsistencies when searching multiple words.

When I search a phrase, the "Your Library" results appear to return every song with any of the words in that phrase.

Or, the results don't show the song with the exact phrase at all. For instance, I searched the phrase 'worship Him alone', looking for the song "All Heaven Declares" (which is in my library already). The results under "Your Library" were "Ancient Gates" (which doesn't contain the word 'alone', but does contain the phrase 'worship him') and "Cornerstone" (which doesn't contain the word 'worship', but does contain the words 'alone' and 'him'). The search did not return the song "All Heaven Declares". The SongSelect results offered 6 suggestions ahead of "All Heaven Declares", none of which contain the exact phrase or all of the words in the search.

I added quotes to the search ("worship Him alone") and got different results. The search results now produced 57 songs (instead of 2) in the "Your Library" section. "All Heaven Declares" showed up second in the list, but that's because it was sorting by title. The "SongSelect" results provided "All Heaven Declares" as the first option.

Thank you for looking into these inconsistencies, but could you also add the ability to use search parameters such as quotes, wildcards(*) or boolean operators (AND, NOT, OR) so that the search results could be further refined for "Your Library" and "SongSelect".
Posted by Gail
June 9, 2023
Hi Gail, We did some tweaking to our search algorithm to address many of these items. We appreciate your feedback and support!
Posted by Adam
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