July 14, 2023
First of all, I want to say THANKS SO MUCH for making this program available. It saves me considerable amount of time from manually typing the order of service in Microsoft Word ... plus it helps with the time printed on the paper.
The question I have is When you print the order of service ... might there be a way to print in two columns? Our worship team is older and the print gets pretty small for them ... but we need to keep the order of service to one page.
Appreciate any help you can give me.
March 12, 2024
Dear Fred
I saw this post whilst looking for something else! There are no other comments so I don't know if you have solved your issue, but I think there is a way to achieve what you want.
In Presenter, with the service open that you need the OOS for, chose the print option just under the service title on the top left. This opens a dialogue box with the oos and all the song lyrics. Then, rather than continue to print (which makes a pdf), highlight and copy the text you want; e.g., just the set list at the top or just the lyrics (useful for preparing song sheets for the congregation!). Then paste into Word choosing the paste text only option. You can then edit away to your hearts content; columns fonts, bold etc....).
Hope that helps