February 27, 2022
During worship today, Presenter would play a video que but there was no audio. When I restarted Presenter, and lauched the que again, the video would play with audio. What has changed that would cause this problem? I've tried reinstalling Presenter but it did not resolve the issue. Audio does play from other appllications while Presenter is playing my "silent" video. The videos are mp4 files.
I'm running Windows 10 (up to date) on a Dell G3 laptop.
February 28, 2022
Hi Greg,
Please email us at
[email protected] with a short video demonstration of the issue. If you can send us the video file, that would be helpful as well.
March 1, 2022
Video has been submitted. Is there a way I can "roll back" to an earlier version of Presenter so I can resume using it for our services while you figure this out? Current version is not dependable enough for me to use. Once the issue occurs, restarting Presenter is the only option to get videos to play with audio again. Having to restart Presenter during the service to play a video is not a good look...
March 9, 2022
If you still need it, older downloads are available for access in the Change Log. Find the link under the green download button:
March 9, 2022
Older versions of Presenter did not resolve the issue. Obviously an issue with the laptop audio drivers and Worship Extreme. When the issue occurs with WE presenter and I get no audio, other software on the laptop still works properly with respect to audio. This occurs with the laptop NVIDIA audio driver and the realtek audio drivers.
I have rolled back my laptop audio drivers and it appears to be a temporary solution. Running out of date drivers on my laptop is not an acceptable long term solution.
March 15, 2022
Hi Greg, I have the same problem..
March 17, 2022
Good to know I'm not crazy. I saw your separate post on the same or similar issue. I've had one video early in the cue list play fine and a subsequent video in the cue list play with no audio.
January 10, 2023
I'm experiencing the same issue is there a resolution?
January 21, 2023
I am also having this same issue. Good video with no sound. Funny thing is, I get audio in the preview window but not when displaying on screen. Videos play and sound fine when using VLC and Media Player. I am using a WIN 11 pc with an AMD 4600G cpu.
January 24, 2023
Please make sure your Main Audience Display is on in your Screen Configuration settings and it's assigned to a Display.