November 29, 2021
Instead of cloning a service, selecting a pre-built (customizable) template would be a nice feature to have ready to go e.g. communion, Christmas, normal service, etc….
December 1, 2021
That would be excellent! It gets a little clunky to have to build a service from scratch or go in and edit each individual box (and make sure that all the old information is deleted fully).
January 19, 2022
100% agree on this. This is a must have feature. I was surprised to learn that it was not already available
January 21, 2022
The service type that you define when you create a new service does not seem to do anything useful. It just provides a tag that allows a crude filtering when searching for services. It would actually provide some value if it was linked to a service template, as suggested, to give a service outline instead of having to build the service from scratch each time.
February 2, 2022
This would be really nice. I tried to create a template with a future date but when you clone it, the clone just goes further into the future.