September 18, 2024
Our Praise Team uses certain YouTube videos that present Lyrics for the congreation to sing along with. Currently we create a "New Item" every time it's required. I tried creating a PowerPoint Presentation but that only works if I choose "View Pesentation" with Microsoft PowerPoint.
What can I create for youtube that will act like a Slide or Song that can be reused or be added to our Media library?
October 13, 2024
Do you have love music and this is just being used for lyrics? Or are you playing the video sound for a backing track as well? Are these linked YouTube videos, or offline downloads of YouTube videos?
Sorta curious if the actual lyrics/song select feature would do what you needed. Just trying to figure out what your needs/intent is in this case :)
October 13, 2024
*live music, gotta love phone autocorrect haha
October 31, 2024
I suspect you are making life more complicated for yourself.
If you have a reliable internet connection, you can run the videos directly from YouTube as a service item. See here for guidance ->
https://www.worshiptools.com/en-us/docs/37-web-videos . Use the service item type Web Video
Alternatively, if you have downloaded the videos, you can copy them into the media library ->
https://www.worshiptools.com/en-us/docs/33-import-media . Again, you can then add them directly as a service item, media type.
There is no need to insert them into a PowerPoint file in order to add them to the service, unless you are doing something other than just playing them.
November 9, 2024
Carl is asking about saving web video service items for future use. The current design of Presenter is web videos are single-use service items. The workaround I use is to save the artist, song title and YouTube link in a text file to add back to service items.
Carl, if you're using some web videos each week, I suggest you save the services as templates and duplicate them for future use.