August 3, 2023
Every single time open the presenter, all i see is it being very slow and never opening. The reason why i reposted this is because i can't see my other one. if possible, can i please get some help. Thanks, Test ( for church testing purposes)
August 4, 2023
What kind of Chromebook are you using? Presenter is compatible with 64-bit, but not ARM
August 4, 2023
I am using a 64-bit chromebook.
August 29, 2023
I have the same thing here.
August 29, 2023
Many Chromebooks can be very low power and not suitable for running Presenter. What are the specs of this Chromebook?
August 29, 2023
I've opened the program before but it's not opening now.
October 2, 2024
Currently having the same issue, I have the 64-bit. It just keeps loading and never opens.
any suggestions
October 5, 2024
I don't know if this is the same for chromebooks as it is for linux, but I found the same issue running it on ubuntu 24.04 and came to find apparmor is preventing it from loading.
Can you try launching it from a command prompt (CTRL+ALT+T) , navigate to the location of your Presenter appimage file and then using the command Presenter*.AppImage --no-sandbox
I am looking for a permanent solution for this, but in the mean-time this might help prove if the issue is related to apparmor or is something different.
You can also reference this article: https://itsfoss.com/cant-run-appimage-ubuntu/
October 11, 2024
When I found it would not launch on chrome boxes, I ran it through the CLI, which printed an error. IIRC it was something to do with missing dependencies (maybe something to do with fuse)
November 24, 2024
Had the same issue on a very capable HP DragonFly Chromebook (Intel i7). When clicking the UI link in the taskbar or the app drawer the app would just spin and never actually load.
The only way I've been able to get it to launch is...
1. Open the Terminal
2. Type cd /home/.local/worshipExtreme/squashfs-root/ (.local is hidden by default...had to initially do a ls -a to see it.
3. Type ,/we4 to manually launch the program.