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Multiples Display

March 12, 2025
We are new to Presenter and need help.
We currently have 4 display screens connected to the laptop through an HDMI splitter. How do I set up to send different displays to each one of them?
Example: i want to send a specific message to the choir through the stage display without the message being projected to the other screens
Posted by Corin
March 12, 2025
An HDMI splitter takes one output and sends it to multiple displays, meaning the computer recognizes all four screens as just one screen. The computer must recognize each display as a separate unit for Presenter to use them all independently from one another.

You'll need to look for a dual monitor adapter. You can still use the splitter for the three main screens but use a separate cable for the Stage Display. With this setup, your computer should recognize 2 displays -- 3 connected as 1 through the splitter and 1 on its own for the Stage Display.
Posted by WorshipTools
March 18, 2025
Depending on the connection capability of the laptop, you may be able to use a docking station to give you the extra output that you need. Most of them use a USB type C connection from the laptop to the docking station, but other types may be available. Talk to a friendly computer geek for advice and options.
Posted by Paul
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