April 3, 2024
I have been working to slowly upload pdf files of arrangements and accompaniment music sheets as attachments to songs in Planning so team members can simply download them from there to practice for Sunday rather than me having to email files to individual team members each week. However, there is currently no way to navigate from a song item in a service to the song page in the library to download the attachments.
Instead, you have to go to the song tab, and then manually search for each song one by one to get to the song in the library and view/download the attachments. It is a very tedious process and quite honestly too confusing for some of our volunteers. I would love for there to by a way to click somewhere on the song item of a service to navigate to the actual song page in the library where they could then download the attachment.
(I realize I could add attachments to the service, but that is just as cumbersome for me as weekly emails. I would rather be able to attach the files to the individuals songs once so they can be easily accessed any time that song is scheduled in a service)
April 3, 2024
All the relevant song materials can be accessed on the "Rehearse" or "Charts" tabs of the service. There, they can access materials using the "Source" menu option.