May 21, 2022
Hi there!
We love the on-the-fly scripture selection on the desktop software. It would be great if we could see this added to the mobile presentation control app.
That way our speakers can display what scripture they want without having to ask someone to do it for them.
Thank you
July 22, 2022
This can be done from the Planning mobile app.
July 22, 2022
Thank you. Can it be done while he is preaching? If he wanted to go to John 1:1, for example, would he be able to do it from the app without someone having to do it on a computer? I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
July 22, 2022
Yes, the Planning mobile app:
I recommend he keeps the app open to the service in the background. If he needs to add a scripture passage, he can switch from Remote to Planning, add the Scripture, and then switch back to Remote to fire it.
July 23, 2022
Oh I see what you mean. Thanks for the reply. Would be neat if we could one day see this is the remote app like it is in the presentation software on desktop. Then the preacher could just quickly press a button to open a scripture selector like what you have on desktop and can display it immediately.
The great on-the-fly feature you have is what sold presenter for us. Have a great weekend!