March 6, 2023
Hi - I've been trying to download presenter onto my windows Laptop. It seems to download ok ( I can see the files in my download folder) but when I try to install it the orange box showing the microsoft store briefly flashes up and then it just churns for hours - seems like the exe file directs to the microsoft store where it hits a dead end.
Any ideas what is going on ?
March 7, 2023
Which version of Windows are you using? There was (possibly is) a version of Windows 10, called the S Mode, that would only allow you to install software from the Microsoft Store. It may be that you are operating in this environment.
You can switch to Windows 10 Home for free. Follow this link for details -> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/switching-out-of-s-mode-in-windows-4f56d9be-99ec-6983-119f-031bfb28a307#WindowsVersion=Windows_10
March 7, 2023
Thankyou Paul - That sounds like a strong possibility so I will give it a go and post the outcome.