June 12, 2023
As our church is using Video psalm software for presenting song lyrics and bible verses, we have many songs in our own language that were added manually. Having a thought to change to presenter (Worship tools) would be impossible if it is required to add songs manually again. Actually JSON FILES are available to us in Video psalm, But how can we add them into this worship tools software ?
Kindly help me with this
Thank you
June 13, 2023
We don't have an importer for VideoPsalm. The best thing to do will be to copy and paste through our Planning app. The Lyrics tab for songs in Planning will convert into Presenter slides and it will be easier to input text in bulk through that app.
April 8, 2024
Good day! We had the same issue needing to transfer from VideoPsalm to WorshipTools so we found a work around.
Install OpenLP app which imports VideoPsalm song libraries.
Then WorshipTools can import the OpenLP song libraries.
April 9, 2024
We just successfully moved songs over from SongBook Pro which was an excellent tool, but we needed more features. That was a trick, since the Windows App wouldn't sync or restore our library from the ipad master. However, thanks to the genius of the app maker, I was able to load the Songbook Pro Manager which can be loaded from the Windows App. Then I accessed the Songbook Pro Manager on the ipad and used the IP address info to jump from the Windows Manager to the ipad and from there was able to see all the songs and copy them off. Then I imported the SHO files (ChordPro format) into Charts and the PDF I could individually grab from a DropBox folder when the song was loaded into a service.
The Songbook Pro Manager is accessed inside the app and select from the top menu bar the ... (3 dots) then choose "Songbook Pro Manager". You'll see the devices IP which you enter in on the laptop device to connect and see all the files. Then these can be imported/copied to Presenter/Worship Tools.
Hopefully this will help someone in the future!
August 16, 2024
To Kerry:
Thank you for your information.
I used to VideoPsalm user and i'm going to move to Presenter.
I tried to follow you instruction, but OpenLP data in sqllite format, in other side Presenter side looking for xml file for OpenLP import type.
Please help me..
Thank you and God bless you
August 21, 2024
OpenLP released a new major version on Dec. 31, 2023, and that might be what caused the format difference. Try downloading and installing an older version (uninstall the one you have first). You can find the older OpenLP versions at https://get.openlp.org/; the one I've saved for future exports is version 2.4.6, and the particular file is OpenLP-2.4.6-setup.exe.
September 16, 2024
OpenLP does indeed use sqlite internally. You need to use the exporter and select the OpenLP or OpenLyric option to get xml files.