February 6, 2024
Ok - So new Presenter user here, moving from OpenLP. Presenter is a much more sophisticated and polished programme which I think I'll grow to really enjoy using but there is one feature from OLP I am missing.
Our musicians tend to adlib a song or two during the offering or at the end of the service and our congregation generally like to jump in and sing along with their tune(s). In OLP the search was very impressive so even for a 'golden oldie' if I could remember just a couple of words from the lyrics, even from the chorus or the 2nd or 3rd verse. I could do a very quick search. right click on a song in the search results, fire it into the dedicated preview window to make absolutely sure it was the right one, and once I had confirmed that, I could make it live, all in maybe 5-6 seconds.
It may be I am doing something wrong, but to do the same with Presenter the only way I have found to do this is to click on song search and when I hover the pointer over the search results I can see the first verse previewed. If that isn't enough confirmation (maybe my search was words in the chorus) I'm outta luck. And if it was right I mentallly note the details (Song title and author) then I need to go back and click on the add item -> add song - repeat the search and selct the right one, add in a background and save it to the service - And then finally I can go live. By which time the song is nearly over and the moment is just gone.
I can't be the only one needing to respond flexibly to those spontaneous moments where unplanned music can still suddenly transform the whole mood in the service.
If there is another faster way to do this Song Search -> Song Check -> Go Live, I will be delighted to hear it.
If there isn't currently a good workaround, is this something other might find to be a useful feature in a future update?
Thanks everyone - and if this is actually simple - please excuse the question as 'newbie's stupidity'.
February 6, 2024
The fastest way will be to search for the song and drag it into your service order. Applying a background will take extra steps so you may choose to omit it, or set a default background in the Presenter settings.
February 9, 2024
Remember that you can search on any phrase or line in the song, not just the title. I frequently do this when the title or chorus first line throws up too many possibilities.