October 26, 2022
I would suggest you make this feature available. It is complicated to reformat songs each time we sing them. I am sure that others would concur on having this feature.
Is it really a difficult task to allow us to click a SAVE button after formatting a song with the style and font we need? As a choir, we repeat songs and it can be time consuming to have to format it each and every time. There are backgrounds that naturally fit with a song, and it takes time to create it. We should be able to click Save and then use whenever needed.
As someone who creates the cue lists and uses a clicker during service to advance the slides, I do not have time to quickly load something new that is not formatted.
Thank you for considering this addition.
February 20, 2023
Is there a timeframe on this item. Saving a song that is already properly formatted seems like a simple task. I am creating slides, singing and advancing slides during the service and it is very difficult to import and then re-format (from the 56 point font) while standing in front of the audience. If we need to import a new song into the cue immediately before service starts, at least I can find it and know that it will fit our parameters from the last time we ministered the same song.
Please advise on if this in in the works. Thank you.
February 27, 2023
Saving backgrounds to songs is not available but formatting can be applied through templates. Go to your Presenter settings and the Default Song Lyrics Template to whatever template you desire. Make sure to save your Settings (scroll down). Once this default is set, it will apply to songs imported from that point forward.
If you need to create a new template, you can find "Templates" under the Song dropdown.
February 27, 2023
Thank you. The New Template element works. We appreciate the help with this.