June 17, 2024
When a person with viewer rights and are scheduled for the service tries to adjust the capo settings for them during a song, it seems that the capo adjustment is not adjusting the notes correctly. Has anyone else experienced this?
June 17, 2024
In Charts, the capo feature works by putting the song into the key in which the sounding key with capo equals the selected key of the music. So, Capo 2 will bring the music down 2 half steps instead of up 2 half steps. If you want to increase the key by half steps, you'll apply a Capo 10 (minus 2 from the top).
June 17, 2024
If using the song key of G and add a capo 2, it should take it to the key of A. Your app is not doing that. I think this is backwards or needs a better way to illustrate what you are trying to accomplish in the app. Moving to capo 10 makes no sense. Adding the capo should take it a half step up, not a half step down.
June 17, 2024
Applying a capo on a guitar allows the guitarist to play a song in the same key as the rest of the band but with the chords of a different key.
If the band is playing in G and the guitarist applies a capo 2 on their instrument, they would need to play chords in the pattern of F to achieve the same sonic key as the rest of the band. This is how the Capo function is reflected in Charts. Key of G + Capo 2 (+2 half steps) = chords in the Key of F.
Keys occur in a cycle of 12 half steps, so, to go up two half steps, you'll subtract 2 from the top. 12 - 2 = 10 half steps (or Capo 10) to go from G to A on paper.
June 17, 2024
This does not make any sense to how capo’s work on the guitar. I would ask that you review this please. It now makes sense why my team and I are so confused on how you designed the capo function in this application. It should always be referenced from the key of the song. I am not sure if you have a way to review this and make it better but I would argue that this is not correct. The 12th fret would be a new octave.
Please look at this functionality again. If you are to design it this way, you will need a help me link clickable from this feature to figure this out. The fact I had to understand it from here makes it not intuitive. Sorry to say but adding a capo makes the key go up, not down. I cannot understand that logic. Thanks for the quick replies, but I think this needs look at to make more sense.