February 17, 2024
Upgrade the slides editing interface to make it more like PowerPoint or Google Slides. Add a bit of complexity to it. It's very annoying to use at first, especially when people have most likely used PowerPoint or Google Slides before using Presenter.
March 17, 2024
PLEASE include a much more sensitive color picker. Especially, allow users to select and use a personal collection of preferred colors.
March 25, 2024
I'd possibly not focus on adding more functionality here as most people have access to Google Slides/ Keynote/Canva/PPT ??
I'm more likely to use inbuilt slides for liturgy (for example) which is better using the Song/Lyrics features- multi page, consistent templated fonts ....
March 26, 2024
A good starting point for improvements would be to allow user defined fonts (with size, colour, shadow et.) rather than imposing 22 point Tahoma every time you start a new text box.
March 27, 2024
Dynamic Type size would be awesome!