July 12, 2023
Add a Automatic audio record trigger feature ,at the times we want .In example , when the sermon slide starts a recording will automatically start and when the slides are over the recording ends and auto saves it locally - " DD/MM/YY - Sermon " like wise , this feature is already there in "Proclaim By Faithlife" You can check it out via https://faithlife.com/products/proclaim/features/sermon-recording
Requested Features -:
1.Automatic in app audio recording trigger
2.Automatic Recording rename and Save
February 4, 2024
@sanctuary I saw this feature yesterday - yes, Proclaim has a start and stop cue you add to the cue list and that fires a recording.
It even records the video of the slides (for sermons) and syncs to their cloud sharing - I don't think that would be necessary, but how many times have I forgotten to record (on a separate laptop) - if it was in the service order, it would be almost impossible to miss! Almost!.
June 24, 2024
@sanctuary I'm puzzled why this isn't getting huge traction - it's a great idea ~tony
December 14, 2024
I do miss this after previously using Proclaim. Slides could trigger recording and MIDI events, which were both handy.