December 1, 2024
When the program is installed, Presenter defaults to placing your library in AppData/Roaming and this is all well and good, as long as C: drive doesn't fill up.
However, we currently have 4GB left of C: drive space, and need to clear some things off it to our 1TB storage drive...
Instead of having to manually move all the files, (which would likely mean the computer thinks we don't have them any more,) or delete them from local storage and re-download them from the cloud, it would be great if there was a "move library" button which allowed you to select a new location and leave it up to Presenter to move all the files and maintain the link between it's own internal database and the File Table of the new storage location.
December 1, 2024
Or, at least allow us to change "local path" when it says it can't find a file, so we can browse for the file's new location...
December 14, 2024
You don't need to maintain a local copy of the media file. This is an essential part of Presenter - all the media and everything else is stored on a central repository, so any of your users can log on and set up the service (or contribute towards setting it up). So, you should be able to delete the contents of the local copy of the media library. Presenter will then download what it needs for the current service.