July 27, 2023
It would be very helpful to be able to right-click on any slide and have the option to Quick Edit it, like what ProPresenter offers. This would allow users to edit slides on-the-fly and also trigger other slides to be displayed whilst editing a slide. This is very useful for spelling errors, spontaneous lyrics, and other slide changes while the band is playing.
May 26, 2024
Definitely need this. Started using presenter today and found this a lacking feature!
May 28, 2024
There is a little pencil icon in the top-right of lyrics slides that allow you to edit the lyrics with a single click. Is this what you need? Or are you looking for something different?
May 28, 2024
I'm not at church now to test this but can we do this while we are presenting? Ie while the audience is watching the screens and without them seeing us edit it?
I imagine we can?
May 28, 2024
Yes, you can do it while presenting. 😊👍 The audience does not see your changes until you click "Save" and then click to activate your chosen verse/slide — so you get to choose the exact moment when you want to send the correction to the screen.
One minor issue is that unfortunately you cannot change the projected verse (what the audience sees) while you're performing your edits, but other than that it's pretty quick and handy.
Extra tip: In our church, sometimes the worship team likes to inject other spontaneous verses and words that are not in the queue, so to assist with this I add a couple of extra blank verses to the end of some of the songs (or even create a new song called "SPONTANEOUS" with blank verses) and then can easily click the pencil icon to type words into those blank slots. Saves a few clicks and precious seconds in those spontaneous moments.