October 17, 2022
When a video cue using a YouTube link ends, we get the "suggested video" tiles displaying on the screen until we move forward to the next cue. Is there a way to block or disable this?
October 18, 2022
Unfortunately, Google/YouTube does not allow this to be disabled. However, the suggested videos should all be from the same uploader, helping mitigate any unexpected videos from being suggested.
April 19, 2023
What I have done previously is create a slideshow of transparent slides ending in an opaque slide and put this on the foreground of the YouTube cue. When the video comes to an end, move to the opaque slide to cover the "suggested videos". If you don't want to or can't do this manually then set the slides to automatically transition and the interval between slides to be a factor of the length of the YouTube video; since the maximum transition interval is 30 seconds, you need to calculate the optimum interval and the number of transparent slides e.g. for a 2m18s (138s) video, you could use 23 transparent slides and 1 opaque slide transitioning to the next slide every 6 seconds (23 x 6 = 138). If you use a plain black graphic as your final slide and set the transition fade to its maximum 3 seconds, you can get a nice "fade to black" effect at the end of your YouTube video.
April 19, 2023
Neil, thanks for that idea. I'll play with that one for sure!!
April 21, 2023
Hi. As part of my preparation for the service, I always try to load any videos into the Media folder. That way, I can check that they are working the sound level is correct. For YouTube videos, I use Youtube Downloader HD, which is available from https://www.youtubedownloaderhd.com/files/youtube_downloader_hd.exe (for Windows - don't know if there is an equivalent for Mac). Using this, I can adjust the start and end of the videos to avoid any unwanted intrusions. This also means that I am not dependent on a steady speed on my internet connection.
On a couple of occasions, because I was not told about the video in time to download it this way, I have used the Presenter 'Web Video' option, which is one of the background options when you add a new cue. I have not found any problems with follow-on material when I used these, such as suggested videos.
Maybe, I have just been lucky!