Feature Requests

question_answer Questions lightbulb Requests
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Cue Group level, global timing/auto advance setting
By: John
0 724 5 years ago
One more pricing tier?
By: Michael
0 730 5 years ago
Globally Duplicated Slide
By: Connor
0 712 5 years ago
1 Change Launch when editing to Save Already Possible
By: Connor
1 578 5 years ago
1 Google slides sync Completed
By: Avalon Alliance
1 848 5 years ago
Add Audio Control to Slide
By: Peter
1 845 5 years ago
Save Default Slide order from Cue View
By: Westhill
0 550 5 years ago
0 Fade to Black Already Possible
By: Jim
1 627 5 years ago
Save a colour for reuse in the palette
By: Matt
2 610 5 years ago
Support for casting via Chromecast and Apple TV
By: Justin
5 3099 5 years ago
1 add custom breaks to the verse you select when using long passages of scripture Completed
By: Nick
1 859 5 years ago
2 Different Font Sizes Within A Cue Completed
By: Allen
1 778 5 years ago
2 Independent Formatting for Song Title Slides Completed
By: Adrienne
1 1042 5 years ago
1 App Wakelock or Screen timeout override Completed
By: John
6 766 5 years ago
1 App persistent login Completed
By: John
6 721 5 years ago