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Lyrics translation on the same slide

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August 12, 2019
I often have to put the translation of a song on the same slide as the lyrics.
It would be nice to have at least two different font settings per slide.
In addition it would be helpful to be able to set the reoccurrence. For example the first, third, etc. lines are bold and the second, fourth, etc. are italic.
Posted by Webi
August 12, 2019
Thanks for the post. You can set different font/formatting. Select the phrase you would like to change, then adjust the font formatting.
Posted by Adam
January 12, 2023
I can only select a font formatting for the whole slide, not only for one line. Correct?
Posted by Silas
January 18, 2023
If you have a Template applied, remove the template first. Then, highlight just the text you want to format.
Posted by WorshipTools
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