Song translation layout defined in template

January 22, 2020
We're a dutch church and we are used to project all lyrics dual language, when the current language of the song has a more primary layout than the translation (e.g. smaller, different font, maybe different line background color).
Recently you've developed the functionality to change the layout per line in the song editor, but we'd like to define the layout on a more global level, in the template editor. I understand that would have a significant impact, because right now you can't store another language of the song, but I'm sure you find a pretty intelligent solution for it.
August 12, 2020
Being able to create a template for dual language would be awesome. What I would be looking for is to have every other line in an alternative format. Example:
English lyric line 1 (white, regular, size 56)
Dutch lyric line 1 (yellow, italic, size 50)
English lyric line 2 (white, regular, size 56)
Dutch lyric line 2 (yellow, italic, size 50)
This would work for antiphon songs as well.
August 12, 2020
That’s exactly what I ment, thanks Peter!
August 28, 2020
Yes that would be awesome. As a German Church we need it, too! For us it would even be enough, if, when you switch from "template" to "none" it would keep the current setting from template and you could change the parameters you like.
February 15, 2021
This totally makes sense to us, too being a German church singing songs in English. Some of the texts are translated. If there is a differentiation in font size, color or style it would be totally helpful.
Greetings and God bless, Marius
April 4, 2021
Yep, I would look into switching to we presenter, but not having the option of multilingual songtexts is really a missing feature. I don´t want to edit all multilingual songtexts we already have in our songbeamer database manually... In songbeamer you can store up to 4 languages in one song, we also have some songs in english, german and arabic. If the feature is coming to the presenter, it would be helpfull when you could also import those songbeamer files.
At present the files are build like this:
Das ist der Deutsche Text Zeile 1
This is the english text row 1
Das ist der Deutsche Text Zeile 2
This is the english text row 2
So I think it shouldn´t be such a big deal to adjust the import of songbeamer files.
February 9, 2022
We as a Swiss church would also very happy to have the function. We sing many songs in English and would like to display a German translation.
The feature would not only save us a lot of work.
We use a second monitor as source for the stream, where we use a different preset. Unfortunately, this does not really work well at the moment.
April 1, 2022
Agreed! We also need this feature!
And as most churches (outside of English speaking nations) sing English songs recently and need translation to ensure that everybody knows what they sing...
...there is a big need for having multiple languages.
Being able to set up translations in a simple way (as SongBeamer does it) is a key feature for me when deciding which presentation software to use.
This limits me in using Presenter right now, sadly I can only use it for some of our events.
Thanks for working on this, it's needed & will be a big blessing!
April 19, 2022
Couldn't agree more!
Worshiptools would be a game changer for us, but we cannot switch unless this feature gets added.
August 12, 2022
I fully agree as well.
I checked worshiptools for our church in the last two days and I was thrilled! Till I found out that dual languages ist not supported. As Tim said: Worshiptools would also be a game changer in our church. But without this future, we also can't switch.