July 29, 2021
One of the things that has kept me from making the transition from other software is the lack of service templates. Having to create a service flow everytime, or copying previous services is not ideal. It would be great if you could make Service templates for the services so that all you have to do is select the template for the new service and everything populates. Then it is just a matter of putting in the specific songs or tweeking things.
August 5, 2021
The feature exists in presenter, just create a new service there, and it will populate in planning.
August 5, 2021
Hi Russell, thanks for the suggestion.
The best currently available alternative is to use the "Copy existing" function when creating a new cue list in Presenter, as it fulfills the functions of service templates by drawing from existing cue lists. You can create one service as an example/template of your desired flow - you can name it "Template" if you'd like - then always select it from the "Copy Existing" dropdown. Or, technically, you could select any existing cue list and they should all have the same flow, given that the flow is consistent each Sunday.
August 16, 2021
I have created 'master' services wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5. And also some seasonal masters, like Easter, Advent, Christmas Eve, etc..
I then just copy exsisting when I create the cue for the current week. I then just have to change backgrounds, if I want, and add the songs and change the Scripture reading. We have liturgy slides too, so this makes it so much easier! Hope that may help.
February 21, 2022
I know there are workarounds to get something similar to a service template, but the actual template functionality would be HUGE!
December 17, 2022
Yes please! The ability to create a template which is then populated with the correct songs/scripture/sermon titles, etc each week would be fantastic. Especially easier for the various worhsip leaders in Planning to just bring up the template and plug the songs into the right slots, etc.
December 17, 2022
Or increase the functionality of "service type" > it would be great to create a "Sunday service" and have all the pieces already in place each time I select that service type.
January 30, 2024
A service template feature would be brilliant – so much better than copying a previous service. Copying a service means editing/deleting unneeded elements and managing mistakes and things left in by other people – far too prone to errors and misunderstandings. Whereas, with a template imported to your service you have the structure ready to go but a clean slate in terms of items – people are forced to add the right things so you know that what you have is what you should have. PLEASE MAKE THIS A FEATURE!
March 30, 2024
This question came up in discussion on the Official WorshipTools User Group.-
You create a Service Type - Name it "Template"
Create a New Service - Set Service Type - Template
Setup the service with the CUEs in the order you want. (Basic Layout)
(You can add songs if you like; this example just the bare minimum)
Save it.
There you have a Service Template you can clone with what you need.
* You setup your template (one or more) with what you want or need.
Hopefully my URL link below will display the screenshot of the basic template I made as an example.
April 16, 2024
I still think it is better to have a Service Template function rather than naming a future (or past) service as "template".