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Bible Reference Footers & Countdown Text Glitch

July 23, 2021
Hello, friends! I'm new to Presenter and I'm loving it so far. However, I'm struggling with 2 things:

1) When posting Bible verses/passages, I like having the reference on screen. I know this is already a feature, however, I've noticed that the entire passage reference shows up on the last slide of the cue in the footer. Is there a workaround to hide that? Or a way to remove that footer? I'm wondering because having the last verse, reference, and entire reference in the footer is kind of redundant and aesthetically unsettling.

2) I love the countdown timer and the ability to customize it. However, I've noticed that the position I set the timer text in the menu does not match what's on the screen at all. The bigger problem is that it changes when I go in and out of Presenter. I would like for the timer to accurately set it's location in the menu without me guessing where it's going to end up. And I especially don't want this glitch changing every time I use Presenter.

Let me know. Thanks, friends!
Posted by Jacob
July 23, 2021
Hi Jacob,

For the first issue, the footer is required to be on screen for copyright reasons, so it will have to be redundant with the larger passage reference that's displayed with your passage. Those footers are put there by the Bible publishers that we get our Bibles from. If a Bible is obtained elsewhere, or it's no longer copyrighted, the footer might not show up at all.

If that's not what you're referring to, can you email us some example screenshots so we can better understand? You can send them to [email protected]. Thanks!
Posted by WorshipTools
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