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Invite people via text

March 15, 2023
This! The average age of our congregation is quite a bit higher. We need to communicate via text/sms as well as email.
Posted by Andrew
July 6, 2023
Please update on when texting can be added to the platform. As we add new people or edit people in the system, there should be a cell phone field so that we can send invitations via text AND email. We are finding that some do not check their emails and others have not downloaded/used the app. Handling all messages and notifications via the app sounds great, but may not be effective when some do not/will not/can not use it.

Again, please add TEXTING capabilities to Planning. By the way, I love WorshipTools and it has been a blessing to use. Just need more features for ease of use. Thanking you in advance.
Posted by J
March 1, 2025
Yes, please add text notifications, some people do not use email as much as texting or think to check and miss it making it more work for the leader to communicate by text with the team to verify participation in Sunday's service. Is there any progress on this request?
Posted by Kyra
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