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Customize who gets accept/decline notifications

September 25, 2023
It would be helpful if we could set it up so that for each team you can decide who gets the accept/decline notifications for people scheduled in roles on that team for a couple of reasons.

1) I'm the one who does all of the scheduling for worship so I need to know if anyone on worship declines, but I'm not scheduled for every service so if I'm not scheduled to a service that a worship team member declines I won't find out unless I go look at that service. Sure, I could create a role and schedule myself as a "scheduler" to every service, that that's a lot of unnecessary steps.

2) I DON'T need to know if someone in the nursery or kids department or any number of other departments declines, but with the current setup if I'm scheduled to serve on a service I get ALL of the accept/decline notifications.

I know I can't be the only one with this type of issue, so I figured I'd submit it!
Posted by Jordan
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