June 12, 2022
Currently, when importing songs in Planning, features like slide labels or also the flexibility to set the number of lines or the template to be used are not on par with Presenter.
This means that people using Planning to import new songs create an additional burden on people using Presenter, as songs will most likely need a lot of rework, like re-importing or manual splitting of lyrics.
It would be more than nice if the song import of Planning was kept on par with those of Presenter.
June 13, 2022
After some more insight and testing, we found that the line break settings (ie. 2 lines per slide, 4 lines per slide, etc.) are only transferred over from Presenter if you import songs through the Songs page in Planning. It does not apply when importing songs through the Services > Add Service Item flow. This is a bug, and we will be getting it fixed shortly. In the meantime, you can avoid the extra work in Presenter by importing new songs through the Songs page.
Templates cannot be applied via Planning, but you can designate a Default Song Template in your Presenter settings (make sure to click "Save" at the bottom of the Settings page). Once a default template is selected, all future songs will import with that template attached.