June 2, 2022
It seems the default import formatting set in presenter doesn't carry to planning for song lyric slides, and I don't see anywhere to set that in planning. It is really nice to search song select from the phone and insert into the worship schedule in planning, but I'm finding I have to go into presenter and re-import the song again.
June 9, 2022
Hi Susan, Planning should adopt the default setting in your Presenter. So, if the last song you imported in Presenter was set to 2 lines per slide, Planning should match that and import the next song with 2 lines per slide. This will continue to be the fallback until you go into Presenter and set a different standard.
June 12, 2022
I’m having the same problem as Susan and I’m afraid what you describe as solution does not seem to work. I’m logged in with the same user but whatever I try, the number of max lines used in Presenter is not reflected in Planning when importing a new song.
Could you please clarify?
- iOS Planning 2022.1
- Planner 2022.2.8
June 12, 2022
N.B.: there are differences when importing from the “Songs” menu in Planning (where this approach works indeed) and when importing a new song when creating a new item or changing the song an existing item in the planning view (where it’s most likely a user will actually, practically import a new song if it’s not in the library).
June 12, 2022
@worshiptools, for songs I have not previously imported to my library, isn’t following the settings (70 pt) or the precedent in the imports (4 lines, 70pt). I can re-import on presenter and fix it but it would be great if it did it in planner. The ones selected in planner from my library did have the format in the library. I have pictures if that would help, of the overall default, the import default, and the actual results. I updated to 2022.2.8 on presenter to see if that would help.
June 13, 2022
Hi Susan - font size cannot be controlled from Planning, but if you go to Presenter settings, you can set a designated Default Song Lyrics Template. (If you need to create a template with 70pt font, you can follow these instructions:
https://www.worshiptools.com/en-us/docs/25-creating-templates). Once your 70pt template is set as the default, all new song imports should adopt that template, whether you import in Planning, Presenter, or Music Stand.
As for the line breaks, user FEG shared some insight that helped us identify the bug. As I mentioned in my last reply, Planning is supposed to adopt Presenter's last-used line break option. This works as intended when importing songs via the Planning Songs page but it does not work when importing songs as a Service Item on the Planning Services page. You are probably seeing this issue because you use the latter workflow. We will be fixing this bug shortly, but in the meantime, you can work around it by importing from the Songs page.